July 12, 2024

What is REFLECT?

REFLECT is an optional paid service offered by Cablecast to help alleviate your bandwidth from streaming programs to the web. REFLECT pulls your selected programming from your host through the Cablecast UI to the Cloud where the files are parsed and made available for your viewers to watch simultaneously.

Read this article to understand the Benefits of Reflect

Since REFLECT will be pulling information from your host unit to the Cloud there are a few requirements that will likely require your IT Team before a Cablecast Success Manager can set up the service in the Cloud.

What do I need for REFLECT to be set up?

REFLECT requires an external access address to your host system.

This can be either a NAT or a DNS address. Both have their own requirements and different levels of security to be discussed with your IT team.

NAT address is an external IP address that identifies your Host unit to the outside world as a series of numbers. It cannot use SSL and requires TCP Port 80 to be open for incoming communications

DNS address works with a NAT address, in combination to connect a name address such as ( to the NAT address of your host unit. This allows the address to have an easy-to-remember address, works with SSL, and requires both TCP Ports 80 and 443 open for incoming communication.

What does my IT Team need to know about REFLECT?

Let your IT Team know that you’ve purchased or are thinking of purchasing REFLECT as soon as possible. The sooner we can get your IT team included in the conversation about what is needed for REFLECT the better!

Ports Opened

If using non-secure HTTP port 80 or your custom designated port must be forwarded for inbound/outbound TCP traffic.

Likewise if configured for HTTPS port 443 must be opened to allow inbound/outbound traffic for TCP.

More information about what ports Cablecast uses can be found in the link below.

Cablecast Firewall Guide


Cablecast can set up your server for SSL automatically for free via the Let’s Encrypt service on the Public Connectivity page (Settings > System Settings > Public Connectivity). If desired customers can also bring their own certificates for use in Cablecast. For more information follow the link below.

Adding SSL/HTTPS to Cablecast 7+


Unable to open communication to the host unit?

REFLECT+ is our fully cloud-hosted version of REFLECT. It does not require any external access points to your Host system as it pushes the content from your system out to Cablecast Cloud Services. This content is then organized according to what is available on your Internet Channel and Cablecast Branded Apps through Saved Searches.


Reach out to our Customer Success team if you are still unsure if REFLECT or REFLECT+ might be best for you at