What Do The Icons In The Schedule Mean?

March 2, 2022


In the Cablecast Schedule, there are a lot of icons that can tell you a lot about what is happening on your channel. In this article, we will go over these icons that you might see in your schedule and what they mean.



Green Checkmark: This icon will appear on the left of the schedule and indicates that the show scheduled has a Valid File associated with it.

Red X: This icon will appear on the left of the schedule and indicates that he show scheduled has a file associated with it that is Invalid

Red Question mark: This icon will appear on the left of the schedule and indicates that the show scheduled is set with the Video Server format but there is no file associated with it.

Yellow Play Stream: (appears as yellow triangle with two (2) close brackets to right) This icon indicates that this show has the format of Network Stream.

Yellow Camcorder: This icon indicates that this show has the Live format.

Green Dot: This icon appears on the left of the schedule and indicates that the scheduled run has been sent to autopilot. It can also be referred to as being "activated" and will play.

Orange-Red Dot: This icon appears on the left of the schedule and indicates that the scheduled run has NOT been sent to autopilot. If autopilot is not sent, this show might not play at the scheduled time.

Blue Dot, or Blue highlight box in Schedule: Blue is used in the Schedule and Main Menu heads up display to indicate a first run.

Green play arrow: This icon appears next to the title of the show. It indicates that the show has been set to VOD enabled.

Black CC: This icon will appear next to the title of the show and indicates that the file has compatible closed captions associated with it.

Red CC: This icon will appear next to the title of a show and indicates that it will be Live Captioned using Cablecast Cloud Services

Grey bar over Red bar: This icon will appear on the right of the schedule and indicates that there is a conflict with the time this show was scheduled in association with other shows and that the start time will be bumped.

Grey bar horizontal over green bar with arrow inside: This icon will appear on the right of the schedule and indicates that there WAS a conflict with the time this show was scheduled in association with other shows as was resolved by bumping it.

Lock icon: This icon appear on the right of the schedule and lets you lock the start time of that scheduled run.

Green CG (text): This icon will appear on the right of the schedule and indicates that the show is CG enabled. This means that it will appear in published versions of the schedule.

Grayed CG with Red circle cross, overlay:This icon will appear on the right of the schedule and indicates that a show is CG Exempt. This means that it will NOT appear in published versions of the schedule.

Green DSK text: This icon will appear on the right of the schedule and indicates that there are overlay graphics set for this show record and run.

Red Dot (at right of schedule): This icon appears on the right of the schedule and indicates that this scheduled run is set to record.

White Arrow pointing up inside of Grey box: This icon/button is the move up action which will move this scheduled run up to play immediately after the show scheduled before it.

White Arrow pointing down inside of Grey box: This icon/button is the move down action which will move this scheduled run down to play immediately before the show scheduled after it.

Trash icon inside of grey box: This icon/button is the delete run button. It will remove this scheduled run from the schedule.

Pencil icon inside of grey box: This icon/button is the edit run button. This will open the run details options on the right of the schedule which allows you to edit different aspects about that specific scheduled event.

Wondering what the blue and gold boxes around a scheduled run mean? Check out this KB article for more info.