What do the colors in the Schedule/Main Menu mean?
Have you noticed that scheduled runs in Cablecast have a blue or gold block around them? Maybe you're looking at the main menu and noticed that the Show ID number is in a grey, blue, or gold block. Have you ever wondered what these colors mean? Let's take a look.
A blue block around a scheduled run indicates that that program is currently outputting on the channel. The circular indicator to the left of the run will also turn blue. If there isn't anything scheduled during a certain block of time, you'll also see this block during that window to indicate the current time in the schedule.

A gold/yellow block indicates that this is the first run of that particular Show. Once that show has aired, if you schedule it again, it will not have a block around it until its scheduled start time, then you'll see a blue block around it.
The same applies to the Main Menu in Cablecast, except for one difference. Any shows that are repeats (not first runs) will have the Show ID in a gray box. Repeats will display the Show ID in a blue box if it's during the scheduled run time. Scheduled first runs will display the Show ID number in a gold block.

Wondering what the icons in the schedule mean? Check out this KB article for more info.