Cablecast 7.6.8 Release

September 18, 2023

Release Date: September 11th, 2023


Cablecast 7.6.8 addresses issues discovered in the public release of Cablecast 7.6.6

  • CC-4554 - Show Searching Custom Text Fields Returns Empty Results on Any
    • Fixed an issue with searching custom text fields where choosing the ‘any’ operator would provide search results where the show had empty custom fields.
  • CC-4551 - Update FrontDoor Cablecast Logo to Latest Version
    • Updated the Cablecast Logo on FrontDoor.
  • CC-4537 - Check for Shadow Assets Needs to Check for Availability
    • Fixed an issue where Autopilot did not correctly check for an asset to be available on a Shadow File Store.
  • CC-4476 - Can't Create Re-Index Jobs for Some Assets
    • Fixed an issue where Cablecast might not properly create a re-index job if the asset previously existed on another server.
  • CC-4461 - Video Thumbnails will 404 when retrieving from file shares
    • Fixed an issue where video thumbnails would not generate properly from a UNC store.
  • CC-4458 - Backup Workflow Jobs Fail if File is Already on Destination
    • Fixed an issue where a Workflow could fail if the asset being copied/moved already existed on the destination.
  • CC-4457 - Stopping Notifications Service Throws Exception
    • Fixed an issue where an error would be generated when Cablecast tried to stop the Notifications service at startup.
  • CC-4454 - Set Minimum Gap Time to Trigger Squeezebacks
    • File Gaps will no longer attempt to fill any gap that is less than 30 seconds in duration. This fixes an issue where shorter durations would cause squeezeback issues.
  • CC-4441 - Direct Links For VODs On Secondary Stores Do Not Generate With the Correct URL
    • Fixed an issue with generating a link for VOD’s on a secondary store and the URL was incorrect. We now generate the correct URL.
  • CC-4420 - VIOCG - VIOCG not passing playout device validation in 7.6
    • Fixed an issue with device validation when trying to setup a VIOCG for play out.
  • CC-4404 - Captions Not Displaying on Live Stream
    • Fixed an issue that would cause captions to no longer display on live stream when the user would switch between languages.
  • CC-4402 - Audio levels allow for out of bound values
    • Cablecast no longer allows audio levels to be set using out of range adjustments.
  • CC-4389 - [Shadow Server] Support Passthrough of Encodes and Passthroughs On Shadow Servers Using Mirrored Outputs
    • Fixed an issue where outputs configured as mirrors would not switch sources in sync with its primary outputs.
  • CC-4376 - Show Record Assets Display Does Not Reload Data When Switching Show Records
    • Fixed an issue where when navigating directly from one show record to another the assets section of the show record would not load fresh data.
  • CC-4292 - Encoder Settings in commissionings
    • When setting up an encoder in Cablecast we now set the default bitrate to 5 Mb/sec.
  • CC-4289 - Video Server JSON not generating on new systems/commissions
    • Fixed an issue with generating a video server JSON when installing Cablecast on a new system.
  • CC-4272 - [Reporting] Time Graph is adding previous day metrics
    • Fixed an issue with Audience Measurement Dashboard where it would report on the previous days metrics resulting in inaccurate View counts.
  • CC-4259 - Caption Detection Process Left Running When During Service Restarts Can Block Service From Binding To TCP Ports
    • Fixed an issue where an internal tool, cc_detect, would not be correctly shutdown or killed during service restarts. The orphaned process could prevent Cablecast services from binding to required TCP ports and cause communication errors between Cablecast components.
  • CC-4230 - [Shadow Server] Double configuration bug if Shadow Server is an active server
    • Fixed an issue where Shadow servers would get an invalid configuration when set to an active server.
  • CC-4221 - Long VODs with Closed Captions Could Hang Some Players
    • This version of Cablecast now segments WebVTT files used to deliver VOD closed captions in order to improve performance characteristics on some players, most notably Roku, which could hang or crash on long subtitle files.
  • CC-4095 - Some MCC Files Start Right Away and Are Not Synced With File
    • Fixed an issue with Some MCC files where the MCC file did not start at 00:00:00 and Cablecast would incorrectly offset the first caption event to the start of the video playback.
  • CC-3697 - Runtime/Event Date Fields on Internet Channels Populating Differently in 7.5
    • Fixed a formatting issue in Show Details where runtime and date where displayed incorrectly on VOD’s on the Internet Channel.
  • CC-3477 - Improve CC detection to eliminate false positives
    • Fixed an issue that would cause CC detection to see captions present even if an empty caption track had been inserted. CC detection has been improved to eliminate false positives.
  • CC-2833 - CCArchive Backups Fail On Older Updated Servers Due to Missing ConnectionStrings
    • Fixed an issue where the daily Cablecast database backups could fail if connection strings were not included in the config file. Default connection strings are now used in these cases.
  • CC-2286 - Squeezebacks Can Get Stuck In a Bad State
    • Fixed an issue where playback would not transition into or out of squeezebacks correctly.
  • CC-2184 - Better name for CG player Devices
    • Updated naming for CG player devices for better clarity on what server they are assigned to.

NOTE: If you are already on Cablecast 7.3+ look for your update notification in Cablecast. See Software Updates for additional info.

If you are not on Cablecast 7.3+ and wish to request this update, contact Cablecast Support by opening a ticket through the help center or by emailing