Broadcast Products: End of support for Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

December 11, 2020


In order to provide the best and most reliable products for our customers, with the upcoming release of Carousel 6.5 & Cablecast 6.0, Microsoft Windows XP will no longer be supported. Since Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014, there have been no further security updates, leaving machines operating on this system more vulnerable. There are also other elements we use behind the scenes in our software that no longer support Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. You can read more about how we make these End of Life (EOL) decisions in our Tightrope Media Systems Software End of Life Policy. Please note that this change only impacts your ability to run Carousel 6.5 or Cablecast 6.0 on Windows XP based hardware. This DOES NOT change our technical support policies.

This EOL Notice Applies to:

  • All TRMS branded hardware that runs Microsoft Windows XP:
    • Carousel 230, 220, 210 and below (Last shipped March 2011)
    • Carousel 300R and broadcast systems having Build Code 1022 and below (Last shipped March 2011)
    • Carousel/Cablecast Pro machines having Build Codes 1020 and below (Last shipped April 2010)
    • Cablecast Pro with VOD machines having Build Code 1020 and below (Last shipped April 2010)
    • Cablecast VOD machines having Build Code 1020 and below (Last shipped April 2010)
    • SX series Video Servers having Build Code 1024 and below (Last shipped July 2010)

Next Steps for Users Currently Running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

There are two options moving forward:

  1. Continue running you're existing Cablecast software. You can continue to receive software maintenance releases until your software reaches end-of-life.
  2. Contact our sales staff to discuss options on upgrading to new hardware.


Due to hardware performance requirements, it is not possible to upgrade the operating system on your TRMS branded hardware. Attempting to do so will render your system inoperable and void your warranty.

If you Decide to Continue Running Your Existing Cablecast Software

As of the time of this writing, Cablecast 5.2.x, 5.3.x and 5.4.x support Windows XP and are being actively developed. If you would like to continue using WIndows XP, you can run these versions of software. Once these versions reach EOL status, we will no longer provide maintenance updates for them. See Cablecast software version release history for more information on Cablecast EOL dates.

Additional Information