Cablecast 7.5.4 Release

February 28, 2023

Release Date: March 1st, 2023


Cablecast 7.5.4 addresses issues discovered in the public release of Cablecast 7.5.2. Issues addressed mainly concern Shadow Server configurations, Workflows, VOD, and Internet Channels.

See the release notes below for a full list of issues addressed.

  • CC-3564 Can't target a specific Enco or know which one is working a job
    • Cablecast currently only supports interfacing with a single Enco caption server at a site. Some customers have more than one. Cablecast will now send offline caption jobs to the Enco server with the lowest Control Module Set ID. This will typically be the first one added.
  • CC-3664 Multi Reel VODs Are Combined Incorrectly
    • Fixed an issue with VOD transcoding that combined multi reel shows incorrectly.
  • CC-3666 Autopilot Check for Asset on Shadow Server Fails
    • Fixed an issue where Autopilot could fail if Shadow servers were being used. It would incorrectly report a missing asset on the shadow server.
  • CC-3692 YouTube Network Stream Won't Work with ?feature=share Links
    • Updated our youtube parsing library which seems to address youtubes link changes and provides usable HLS streams once again.
  • CC-3717 Shadow Servers Do Not Get CG Default Source Configuration
    • Fixes an issue where Cablecast Shadow server were not correctly switching to the Cablecast CG default source.
  • CC-3718 Chapters Don't Respond To Agenda Link Unless In View
    • Fixed an issue with Agenda Link integration where selecting chapter points would not adjust the video player.
  • CC-3767 Workflow - Inactive Schedule Auto Delete removes shows before they can be scheduled.
    • The Archive and Delete Workflows have an "Inactive" days setting that determines how far back to look when determining whether the remove an asset. If a new asset is added to the system before it can be scheduled these workflows could kick in and remove the asset. Cablecast will now only remove the asset if it's Creation date falls outside of the "Inactive" period.
  • CC-3779 Internet Channels Show Page Shows Incorrect Upcoming Air Times
    • Fixed a filtering issue with internet channels api that allowed deleted runs and runs from other channels to be displayed on viewing the upcoming runs for a show.
  • CC-3802 Internet Channel Schedule API `currentDay` query param mis match
    • Fixed an issue with the Cablecast API when requesting Internet Channels. That API is now backwards compatible with earlier versions.
  • CC-3803 Improve Cloud Service Activation Interval
    • Cablecast will now sync with Cablecast Cloud Services every 5 minutes, but when it does, it performs a full sync, which means it will update things like Reflect+ URL's, or enable new services
  • CC-3851 Add Option to Not Start Cablecast in Cablecast Installer
    • There are occasions where it is helpful to not have the Cablecast service automatically start after the installation completes. This is often the case when doing major updates or migrating a current system to new hardware. Not running the service gives the CSM team the opportunity to make changes prior to any automatic migrations happening when the service is started.

NOTE: If you are already on Cablecast 7.3+ look for your update notification in Cablecast. See Software Updates for additional info.

If you are not on Cablecast 7.3+ and wish to request this update, contact Cablecast Support by opening a ticket through the help center or by emailing