Cablecast 7.5.2 Release

January 25, 2023

Release Date: January 25th, 2023


Cablecast 7.5.2 addresses issues discovered in the initial public release of Cablecast 7.5.0. Issues addressed mainly concern edge cases with the migration from Digital File management in pre 7.5 systems to the new Asset Management systems. Also addressed were several API regressions that could affect the viewing of public assets such as thumbnails.

Additionally, this release also includes all the fixes from the previous 7.4.20 release.

See the release notes below for a full list of issues addressed.

  • CC-3439 Live Caption Transcription Will Now Automatically Stop After Twelve Hours
    • In order to prevent excessive usage when an operator forgets to stop caption transcribing during a forced or overridden event, Cablecast will now automatically stop transcription after twelve hours. This setting can be adjusted per system by contacting customer service.
  • CC-3543 Loading Internet Channel from Cablecast UI Generates Incorrect URL
    • Clicking the internet channels view link left off the trailing slash which could cause a redirect in some scenarios to non-reflect domains.
  • CC-3555 Google Analytics Tracking Not Working in 7.5
    • Fixed the insertion of google analytics tracking codes.
  • CC-3561 Asset Migration Creates Relative Assets If PortSettings Used Forward Slashes
    • Fixed an issue with the 7.5 Asset Migrator that would create relative assets if the original control module set port setting had a forward slash for a windows path instead of the standard backslash.
  • CC-3562 Network Stream Encode Events For SRT Streams Fail To Load Stream
    • Fixed an issue that prevented SRT Network Record events from starting the SRT stream if a playback event had not first started the stream.
  • CC-3578 Asset Migrator Fails If Device Is Using a Control Module Set That Has Been Removed From System
    • Fixed an issue where the Asset migrator would fail to upgrade systems if devices were using a control module set that had been removed. These devices are now ignored.
  • CC-3580 VOD Processing Screen Does Not Show Temporary Errors
    • Fixed an issue where the VODs Screen did not show VODs that failed do to a temporary error, like a network restart, but were queued up for being retried. These VODs are now shown in the processing tab.
  • CC-3588 Legacy Video Servers Would Skip Scheduled File Playback
    • Fixed an issue with Flex Servers running the legacy video servers failing to playback scheduled content.
  • CC-3601 Internet Channel Schedule Using Show Title Instead of CG Title
    • Fixed a regression in Internet Channels where the schedule was using a Show's Title instead of the CG Title for public display.
  • CC-3605 Open Graph Metadata Fails Validation Preventing Facebook Sharing
    • Fixed several issues in Internet Channels Open Graph metadata tag generation that were preventing links from unfurling on Facebook as expected.
  • CC-3622 Thumbnails Are Sometimes Served From Non Reflect Addresses
    • Fixed an issue where thumbnails could be served from the sites non-reflect public url. On systems not configured for SSL this could cause mixed content warnings as most content is always served via reflect using https. Thumbnails are now always served using reflect.
  • CC-3623 Encoded Files Can Get Stuck In Scratch Directory Until Service Restart
    • Fixed an issue where an incorrectly configured File Store could cause the Control Modules to get stuck monitoring a non-existant encode location. This would prevent future encodes from being processed correctly and prevent encoded files from being moved from the scratch directory to the encode file store as expected.
  • CC-3625 The Schedule Will Show Runs As Having Valid Assets If File Store Is Removed
    • Fixed an issue where the schedule would incorrectly mark a run as having a valid asset for playback if the file store was removed from the system.
  • CC-3626 GETing a Single Category From the Categories API Fails
    • Fixed an issue with the categories api where requesting a single category by api would return an error instead of the category payload.
  • CC-3628 Thumbnails Fail To Generate On File Stores With Only UNC Mounts
    • Fixed an issue where assets that were loaded directly onto File Stores with only a UNC Mount would fail to generate thumbnails.
  • CC-3629 Playback Asset Re-Index Jobs Can Sometimes Fail
    • Fixed an error that could prevent re-index jobs from running if the system contained multiple control module sets with access to unique file stores. This would cause the re-index job to sometimes be routed to servers that could not run the job. The system now correctly routes the job to a server that has access to the asset.
  • CC-3630 Thumbnails API Changes Breaks Some Custom Web Integrations
    • Changes in how the system assets are stored in Cablecast 7.5 broke some custom web integrations by changing the result structure of the thumbnails api endpoint. This version restores the original result structure as much as possible within the constraints of the 7.5 asset management system. If custom integrations still do not work after this update, please reach out to the Cablecast Engineering team for further options.
  • CC-3631 CG Player Addresses Always Display As
    • The CablecastCG Players dashboard now displays the actual IP address of the player checking in.
  • CC-3633 Cache Saved Searches Used For Internet Channels
    • Saved Searches used by Internet channels are now cached and run every 30 minutes. This improves performance for systems making heavy use of Internet Channels, or using complex saved searches for heavy customization of internet channels.

NOTE: If you are already on Cablecast 7.3+ look for your update notification in Cablecast. See Software Updates for additional info.

If you are not on Cablecast 7.3+ and wish to request this update, contact Cablecast Support by opening a ticket through the help center or by emailing