Cablecast 7.4.14 Release

June 28, 2022

Release Date: June 28, 2022


Cablecast 7.4.14 is the sixth maintenance release of the 7.4 series. This addresses some bugs and stability issues related to Closed Captioning, Network Streams, and Control Module Sets. it is recommended that all customers update to 7.4.14 at their earliest convenience.

See the release notes below for a full list of issues addressed.

  • CC-2857 Fix Autopilot Message When No Runs Are Scheduled
    • When sending autopilot with a range that has no schedule items, the report message would show an incorrect date range of the start date twice. This has been now corrected to reflect the proper start & end date.
  • CC-2955 Fix Broken Links For Older VOD Servers
    • Fixed broken links for existing VODs where VODs were generated on older versions of the software that used url generation patterns that are no longer used. The current software now also includes aliases for these older url's patterns that allow older VOD links to continue to function.
  • CC-2978 Some RTSP Streams Fail to Play in CablecastCG
    • Adjusted live network stream bulletin behavior so that it uses the same buffering and timeout settings as Network Streams when played through Cablecast. This ensures that if a stream can be played in Cablecast it can also be played as a CablecastCG bulletin.
  • CC-3029 Creating New Associated Records From Show Record Fails To Update Form Dropdowns
    • Fixed Producer, Project, and Category creation from the show record so when new records are created they are immediately selected for use in the show record.
  • CC-3035 Clicking Save Twice In Show Record Can Create Duplicate Reels
    • The save button in the show record is now disabled while the show is saving.
  • CC-3036 Mirrored Outputs Not Receiving All Switch Commands
    • Fixed an issue with Mirrored Outputs that prevented all switch commands from being sent to hardware when sending autopilot.
  • CC-3037 Live Servers and Video Servers Unable to Check-In After Service Restarts
    • Fixed an issue where Live Servers and Video Servers would not be able to rebind to the Network Interface after a service restart, preventing communication between primary and secondary units.
  • CC-3042 Autopilot Bump Messages Show Incorrect Information
    • Fixed the Autopilot Send Report Bump message to show the actual bump time of the run instead of the scheduled duration of the run.
  • CC-3093 Improve NDI Network Stream Compatibility
    • Enhanced support for a variety of NDI streams by improving handling of suspect timestamps from third party NDI sources. NDI streams now attempt to use the NDI streams timestamp first, but will fallback to the received time of the NDI signal if the provided timestamps are detected as unreliable.
  • CC-3118 Improve Buffering of File Playback In Cablecast Video Server Engine
    • Improved the internal buffering of file playback in the cablecast video server engine so that more of the file is read from the disk with a smaller amount of read operations. This allows for better performance on entry level systems and better overall disk utilization.
  • CC-3160 Improved Network Stream Stability and Ability To Recover From Transient Failures
    • Fixed several issues with network stream playback and fallback recovery that could prevent network streams from starting or recovering from transient failures. Overall network stream encoding and playback stability should be improved.

NOTE: If you are already on Cablecast 7.3+ look for your update notification in Cablecast. See Software Updates for additional info.

If you are not on Cablecast 7.3+ and wish to request this update, contact Cablecast Support by opening a ticket through the help center or by emailing