Cablecast Manual

Batch Functions

Batch Functions allow you to perform common tasks on multiple items at a time.

  • Copy Shows: Creates multiple copies of a single Show.
  • Clear Shows: Clears all Shows between the specified ShowIDs.
  • Create Series: Creates multiple copies of a single Show. This is a more advanced version of the function.
  • Auto Schedule: Automatically schedules a series of Shows based on simple rules. This can be effectively used with the function in order to create and schedule a series of Shows.
  • Clear Schedule: Removes all Schedule runs from the specified between the specified dates.
  • Find and Replace: Replaces all instances of one Show with another Show on the specified between the specified dates.
  • Fill gaps with Project: Uses Shows from the specified to fill in gaps in the Schedule on the specified channel.
  • Clear Filled Gaps: Removes runs from the Schedule that were originally created using the function.