Cablecast 7.3.6 Release

October 5, 2021

Release Date: October 4th, 2021

Let’s Encrypt Certificates: Due to an issue with Let’s Encrypt root certificate an updated client is need in Cablecast in order to successfully renew Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates.

Bug Fixes: Fixed a number of bugs related to digital file validation and VOD transcoding.

  • CC-2302 Incorrectly set Framerate causes file issues
    • Fixed an issue indexing a digital file if the file did not report a frame rate.
  • CC-2331 Always Create VODContent and TRMSVOD alias for vod content paths
    • Fixed an issue where legacy Cablecast systems that were using VODContent or TRMSVOD as the directory to hold VOD's could break external links to those VOD's
  • CC-2516 VOD file validation logic is incorrect
    • Fixed a bug that could have a VOD try to transcode a reel that isn't valid.
  • CC-2524 VOD In Progress During Update to 7.3 Can Get Stuck
    • Fixed an issue where VOD that were processing during an update to V7.3 could get stuck in processing.
  • CC-2527 System Archives Failing on Remote Systems
    • Fixed an issue where daily archive jobs would fail on any Cablecast servers other than the ProVOD system.
  • CC-2580 File Indexing Can't Determine Length of Some MP4 Files
    • Fixed a digital file indexing issue with certain files that don't report duration as expected.
  • CC-2616 Signal Interruptions During Encodes Can Prevent Further Use Of SDI Input
    • Fixed an issue where signal interruptions during encodes would block the SDI from recovering.
  • CC-2627 Shows Not Saving Correctly with Custom Field Changes
    • Fixed an issue where shows with custom fields might not save correctly.
  • CC-2640 Unable To Automatically Renew Let's Encrypt Certificates
    • Updated the Let's Encrypt client in Cablecast to resolve an issue with expired root certificate.

NOTE: If you are already on Cablecast 7.3+ look for your update notification in Cablecast. See Software Updates for additional info.

If you are not on Cablecast 7.3+ and wish to request this update, contact Cablecast Support by opening a ticket through the help center or by emailing