Software Updates Functionality version 7.3-7.5

June 30, 2021

Applies to

  • Cablecast 7.3 - 7.5
  • For updates to systems on versions 7.6 and newer, please refer to this update guide.

Feature Overview

As of Cablecast 7.3, the software can now fetch software updates for your system that it's licensed for. This is primarily to be maintenance release versions, and occasionally minor versions. This is nice in a few ways:

  • Eliminates the need to email support for getting updates
  • Raised awareness of new updates for your system
  • Update your system when its best for you
  • Update installer files placed on all servers for you

Check out our Video Tutorial for Updating Cablecast 7.3 - 7.5 VIDEO LINK

Viewing updates

You can access the software updates screen by going to "Settings" / "System Settings" / "Software Updates".

If updates are available, you'll see them listed here. Items that show "Release" are updates that are stable for public release and have been tested thoroughly. Beta customers can also get Beta versions through this interface. To view Release date, and notes on a specific update, click on the "Details" button.

If you see multiple updates, you may proceed to download the latest update, you do not need to install each update sequentially.

Downloading an update

Once you're ready to start downloading an update, click on "Download" in the details window. You'll be able to watch the progress of the update until it reaches 100%. You may continue to use your system while the update downloads.

Installing/Applying the update

When the "Preparing Update" process is finished, you can go to each server and find the installer file for the update in "C:/TRMS/CablecastInstallers" on each of your servers. Proceed to access each system and run the installer.

To find a list of all Servers, navigate to Settings>System Settings>Servers. This will list all Servers requiring the update. Here is an example:

Please be aware of any potential playout downtime while installing an update to your server(s).

Running the Update

Once the installer has been located in "C:/TRMS/CablecastInstallers" Right-Click on the installer and choose Run as Administrator. This will bring the installer up where you can click the Install Button. The Cablecast Installer will search the server you are on and automatically choose the components to install. If you have any questions if the correct components are being installed contact your Cablecast Customer Support Manager.

Verifying Update has completed

After running the installer on all of your Cablecast servers, log into the Cablecast UI and navigate to Settings>System Settings>Servers. And check the version number next to each Cablecast Server listed on the Servers page. If any of the units is not showing the same version number as the others, go to that server and run the installer again.


I don't see the latest minor / major version listed.
Software updates only show versions that your system is licensed for. If you're looking for a minor / major version that you know is released, contact support to get your system updated to that version.

Only some of our users can see the updates.
The software updates feature can only be accessed by admins or users who have the "Modify System Settings" access right. If there is a user that should have access to fetch software updates on your system, please review they have the proper permissions setup for their user account.

Software Updates are failing.
The feature requires all your Cablecast servers to be online and operational so it can send the installers to all of them. Please check your "Cablecast Servers" page in settings and make sure they're all online. If you're still having problems, please email

I see several updates. I don't know which update to download.
Typically you'll want to get the latest version. The version with the highest number is the latest update. You do not need to get each update in order; you can skip intermediate versions and go straight to the latest. You'll get all the changes in all the updates between your current version and the latest.